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1978 Honda CB400 TII Hawk Restoration - Work Begins

November 10, 2007 con't: Step 1 - Get it running.

It was obvious once float bowl covers start coming off that the right side carb was gummed up pretty good. The right side throttle butterfly valve is sealed shut by varnish. I believe (and I really hope) this is what is keep it from having throttle action. It took some time, but everything is disassembled and soaking in carb cleaner.

Left side float chamber and cover.

Right side float chamber and cover.

Right side vacuum plunger - it was stuck

The last thing I did on this Saturday was to break loose (it took more then my hand strength) the front master cylinder cap to confirm my suspicions on why the front brake had no lever action. I was correct. The reservoir was dry as could be.